Double Face Creatures (Fable)

So long before the humans exist, the animals used to be separated in two clans: the carnivores and herbivores. The herbivores feared to be eaten by the carnivores and lived at the shadows in order to survive. Once upon a time, it was a sunny day in the fields and Mr. Rabbit was at his home with his family talking about what they would have of dinner…

Mrs. Rabbit: What are the kids going to eat tonight? You didn’t bring any food yesterday and the one from the last week is already gone. Go outside and bring something, you lazy fool.

Mr. Rabbit: Oh of course, as you do not have to risk your life outside like me! … Okay, I’ll be back.

Mr. Rabbit got mad but he didn’t have any choice left; it was his job to obtain the food. Therefore, he went out of the house very carefully and asked his friend:

Mr. Rabbit: Hey… man, is it secure to go out? I need to go for food – said whispering.

Mr. Bird: Hey how are you doing? Well, I just got here but I didn’t see any carnivore near, you are safe to search food.

Mr. Rabbit: Thank you my friend, I owe you so much. Maybe someday I will invite you to my house to have some food, after all, we have been friends for many time and you have never met my family.

Mr. Bird: I would love to meet them… - said very excited.

Mr. Rabbit went out to a field of vegetables and grass to pick up some food. Very carefully he started to walk to the field, looking around in search of danger in order to hide. He saw nothing and went to pick up the vegetables, when he felt a respiration behind him…

Mr. Rabbit: Oh my lord! A tiger! Oh no! I’m done here.

Mr. Tiger: Sorry, what are you talking about?

Mr. Rabbit: Please don’t play with me, you are a carnivore! The most horror and mean creatures! you are going to eat me! Oh no my children will have no father.

Mr. Tiger: There you go again; I am tired of those prejudices. That I have to eat doesn’t mean I am mean. And no, I am not going to eat you, actually I want to leave eating animals.

Mr. Rabbit: What? What are you talking about? Are you going to leave me?

Mr. Tiger: Yeah man, don’t worry; I understand you have to pick up food for your family and I respect that. You can leave… Oh! But do not go that way, there was my sister, take the other path.

Mr. Rabbit thanked the Tiger and got impressed by his attitude towards him, “after all, not all carnivores are mean” he thought. Back to his home he told the story to Mr. Bird, but he started to yell at him and tell him the tiger was a liar, that he had probably followed him to eat all his family. So he suggested to Mr. Rabbit to get out and leave his home with his family. 

So Mr. Rabbit started thinking about what Mr. Bird say and he got so confused he didn't know what to do, at nightfall he decides to get hos family out of there and move to other woods. When The fmily of Mr. Rabbit got out of the house Mr. Bird was there waiting for them.

Mr. Bird: It was about time you all get out of there!

Mr. Rabbit: What are you talking about?

Mr. Bird: Sorry my friend, but I've been waiting for you and your family to get out of there. You know, the first time I tried rabbit was the best day of my life.

After the shocking confession Mr. Bird gave, he started attacking the Family of Mr. Rabbit. There was screaming and blood everywhere until behind of them Mr. Tiger appears and get Mr. Bird on his hands and then eats him.

Mr. Tiger: Is everyone okey?

Mr. Rabbit: Yeah, just a few scratchs. We will be fine. Thank you very muchs for saving my family, I don't know hot to thank you anymore.

Mr. Tiger: It's fine, don't worry. Just be safe and don't trust anyone.

Mr. Tiger walks slowly into the woods and vanish in the fog. While Mr.Rabbit and his family were recovering  from the attack.


Moral: It is important that we don't judge anyone from the apparince.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written by Aldo H. and Diego A.

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