The end of the world


At the beginning of time it all started with shiniest star there had ever been.  One day this star exploded and this explosion the planets were created. But the gods chose only one of those planets, so in that planet there could be life. That’s when the earth was created; it was the only planet in the whole galaxy that could sustain life. At the beginning all the creatures lived in harmony. These creatures were divided in 3 groups; each group had their own creator. There was the god of the wind, with was the one who created the birds. There also was the god of the water, which was the one who created the fishes. And at last there was the god of the land, who created all the terrestrial animals. All the god kept a very good relationship except for one of them, his name was Ades, who was a bit excluded and forgotten by them. At the beginning he was sad about the way they were treating him, but later on he started to get mad at them. He found a way to get back at them. He who was the only god who didn’t create a living creature decided he would create a creature that would make such a bad use of the earth, that at the end they would end up destroying the planet earth.


All the animals and the animals had a good relationship, they were all friends and had a great time most of the time, but as years past by the humans began to develop a little more than the rest of the  living creatures. They began to use the animals as clothing, and as food. They started to kill animals just for fun, showing the rest of the creatures that they were the most powerful.

The animals of the water, land and wind, made a council that was organized by the great lion, who was the king of all the terrestrial animals, he had found a way to stop the humans from all the bad things they had been doing. But he needed the help from all the animals in the world. They decided that all the animals had to stay away from the humans, and stop all the evilness from humans and war started. This war is not over and it still continues now day.

The Gods never imagined that the humans would bring the planet to an end.


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