What do I ever Think about

My Life

Fuck me bitch wat now

You need an ass whiping

I need wat you have

Lord is great

Wat The Fuck now

Fawn's Calling So I Got To Go

Melody Fawn Dee

hi I'm Gay

George, is cute

Why write I should die

I deserve death, but does it deserve me

A Butterfly

I want sex really fucking bad

Fuck that Bitch

Wow I'm Gay, and I'm Comfortable with that

Troy's a hottie

Peanut has a innocent face, but I would so fuck him in a heartbeat, who wouldn't

I love Fawn

Melody talks alot

Why am I hanging out with these fuckers?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is version 2.0 I've deleted parts, because I've used it somewhere or I don't want to see this or that there anymore. 2.3 will be comming soon!

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