It's Him, Or Is It?

He's new and shinny

I'm enthralled by him

He is everything I want

Right now

But what happens when that wears off

When my true colors show

When he descovers my faults

My hidden pain

My tortured past

My lies that I hide behind

Because the lies are easier than making myself vulenerable

I see a future with him

But I can't see it with him

It's like the light 

It's like the night

It's like I can't breathe

It's like I can't be happy

I want more of him

But I want less of him

I want to hold on to him forever

I want to let him go

I've hurt too much in the past

I have much love to give

I have no idea what I want

Maybe this is me clearing out my head

Maybe it's me becaming a true man

Laying it out for him

Maybe Darrin, Dustin, Caleb, Tim, Brandon

Randall, Malcolm

And the others were just fine tuning 

For him

For the love he'll give me

Maybe I can uncling

Stop lying 

And start to let someone in

I'm scared

I'm happy

I'm sad

This is me:

Happy within

Hurt a plenty

Been rapped

Pulled down

Crapped on

Never been in love

Never been weak


Strong willed


Over Thoughtful


Strength when everyone is weak

Not afraid of saying my opinion

I think I'm ready

Maybe I won't push him away

Maybe I'll fall

Maybe I won't

It's worth the risk

For Once I'm Ready to be Hurt

To be loved

To be held

To be everything

To argue

To agree

To get nasty

To become myself with him

To discover who I am

Because the mask is now off

And yesterday was yesterday

Today is today

One day at a time

One moment at a time

One tear at a time

One kiss 

One everything at a time

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