How do you explain


How do you explain that feeling in your stomach
That you miss someone so much
That just hearing their voice gives you chills down your spine
That you get butterflies in your stomach every time you think of them
That you would give up anything in the world just to be with them for a day
Just to be able to touch them and know that everything is okay
To explain to them that they are everything to you
To explain to them that without them life is meaningless
That you don't know how you ever deserved them in the first place
That you would give your life just to see them again
That every night you stay up and cry because you miss them
To want to tell them
That you want to be there holding there hand
You want to hold them close
You want to protect them when they are scared
You want to hold them through the night
You want to hold them and tell them everything will be alright
You want to be the one to protect them from the storms
When she feels scared and helpless
You want to pick her up and show her she is the strongest, bravest, most beautiful girl in the world
How do you tell someone this
How do you let them know that they mean everything to you
And not some bullshit everything fucking everything
Everything revolves around them
Till the point you can't sleep at night without seeing their face
That you cry thinking about them because you want to be with them so bad
How do you let someone know all of this
How do you get someone to understand that right now you would take everything and move away
To be with this person
Pick up and leave everything else behind just to be with that person forever
Just to hold them, to touch them, to kiss them goodnight every night
To make them feel and know they are the most important thing in the world
Not just to you, but in the world
That they can accomplish great things
That they can help out so many lives
That without them in your life you would have died by now
You would of giving up on life
How do you let someone know all of this
How do you let them know
How do you tell her, she is everything
If I knew how now I would
If I knew how in the past I would
I would let her know I would give up everything in my life just to be by her side
Just to hold her through the night
To make her feel special
To make her feel what she truly deserves
To truly be happy
To truly smile
To truly feel loved
To settle down and have a family with them
To spend the rest of your life with them
To spend past the grave with them
To show them they mean everything
How do you show the one person in your life that your truly more then anything
Love them

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