Sugar 1-13-08


I'll never forget the day I got you

You were hiding in the back

While the rest all played

I chose you because you were shy

And seemed like the one no one wanted

You reminded me of me

I kept you in my lap on the ride home

Petting you softly

Enjoying your company

Realizing quickly

How great of friends we were going to become

Once we got home you slept next to me

Looking so peaceful and innocent

You helped me throughout my life from that day on

Always being by my side

I remember that first night I before going to sleep

I rubbed my thumb from your nose to forehead

Along that white line of yours

Saying I would never do that to anyone or anything else

That it was a special way of showing

That I would always care for you

A special touch only for you

You helped me through my days

The good and the bad

No matter how I was feeling you were always there

If I was feeling sad you would sit by my side

If I was angry you would cheer me up

If I was happy you would help keep me that way

You were always there for me

Always willing to help even if you were in a bad mood

You stayed by my side since I was a little kid

Coming into my life as just a birthday present

And leaving it as my best friend that I will never forget

You will always be in my heart and my mind

You helped me so much and I would not be here today

If it wasn't for all that hope you placed in me

There were so many times I was worried of losing you

Only after having you a few years you hurt your neck

Doctors told me it was very unlikely you would live

That you would be paralyzed

I cried everyday after hearing that

Thinking my best friend would be taking away

I had to be taking from the school from not being able to work

From crying over you so much

Praying and hoping and crying you would get better

You proved the doctors wrong and got better

You fought through it all and went back to being perfectly fine

I moved and you moved with me

I changed and you supported every action I did

Standing by my side every day and night

Then while standing under the stars I got the news

That you had been hit by a car

And taking to the vet to be looking over

That all you did was lay there the whole time going

I immediately rushed to the vet asking questions

And went back to see you

First thing you did when seeing me was try to get up

Try to get up and walk to me

Because I was crying and upset from how much pain you were in

I talked to the doctors

They told me your pelvis was cracked

Along with other injuries

All I could see were all the scars and blood on you

And I still thought you were the most beautiful

Caring friend I had ever laid eyes on

They told me they would keep you over night

See what they could do to help

But that it was unlikely you would live

I didn't sleep once that entire night

I cried all night waiting and praying for you

When I talked to the doctors and got you home

They said you'd live

But never to expect you to walk again

I helped you everyday as you slowly moved and healed

And you overcame the odds again

You not only walked again you went back to being you

Being perfectly fine and living the way you always did

Back to being my best friend helping me

As I tried my best to help you

Years went by then you got sick

Old age finally got you you

And you became more and more unable to walk

Hearing from everyone

That you may not make it through the night

Each and every night

So I sat by your side

I say by you and helped you the best I could

No matter what your mood was

I was woke up one morning

Being told that you were in the backyard

Unable to move

Just laying there helpless

I immediately jumped up and ran out by your side

Helping you drink and eat whatever you could

I was giving the hardest choice

That I would ever of have to make

I had to call the vet to help you get out of this pain

It was so hard not only with my social problems

But to be calling about my best friend in life

Someone who helped me through every aspect of my life

Trying not to cry and talk to them about it

I then had to carry you there since you couldn't walk

And deal with everyone there with there new pets

Talking bout all the great things they have done

And having people in the lobby ask me what was wrong

What was wrong with you and why you had to be in there

I couldn't fight back my tears

Crying in front of a bunch of strangers

Telling them you had to be put down

I then had to carry you to the back

Where they said they'd be right back

That they had to go to the back for a minute

I looked in your eyes and saw how sad you were

How much pain you were in

I couldn't fucking stomach it

Crying my eyes out I talked to you

Telling you you would have all your injuries healed

That you would be better after all this

That I would join you someday

That I would remember everything you did for me

I would remember you forever

As you licked my face as I talked to you

I kissed your forehead

And rubbed my thumb from your nose to your forehead

Showing I never even forgot our first moments together

Never forgot one second we were next to each other

I tried not to cry once the doctors got back in the room

They asked me if I wanted some more time to be with you alone

How the fuck was I supposed to answer that

To have more time with you

I would of giving my own fucking life

I would of giving up anything to be with you

Because I know if I was in the same position

You would do the same

I told them I had to go

For if I would of stayed there I would of carried you out

And said I couldn't do this

I would of fucking took you away even though you were in pain

And told them I couldn't fucking of done that to us

It would of been the most greedy thing in the world

But I didn't want to give you up

I just wanted to be with you forever

To know no matter what I did you would be by my side

Cuddling and licking me

Doing the sweetest things you could

All because you loved me

So I walked out of there


And I still cry

Everyday knowing my best friend died

I will never have or even know someone like you

You were the best friend I could of ever asked for

You were a guardian angel

Sent to me to me to help me through

I would of never it this far without you

And I don't know if I can go on without you

I fucking cry every day and night I think of you

I wear your dog tag around my neck to remember you by

That way your always next to my heart

All I want to do is hold you in my arms one last time

Feel your warm tongue lick my face

And know that no matter what stupid shit I do

You'll always be right there by my side to make me feel better

To make me smile as you did everyday of my life

And you still make me smile

Through all my tears I smile when I think of you

Because I know you were the greatest thing to ever happen to me

I will always remember you

I will always want to be with you

And and dumb as this may sound

I can't wait till the day I die to be with you again

I know your up there waiting too

And I promise as soon as I get there with you

I will make up for all this time I was without you

I will spend every day playing with you and keeping you company

Because I miss you

I miss you and love you so much

I have said this line a few times

But I don't think I will ever again

Because there is only one friend this could truly go to

With 100% feeling and accuracy

For everything you did for me

Sugar I promise

I will always love, honor, and cherish you

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