And that's how it all ended...

A long time ago, there was nothing on the earth besides a Gods earth where the Gods lived happy and with harmony, until one day, two Gods, Prometheus and Pan, decided to create another earth, one for other creatures, so they decided how to make it and they did it. “How we should start?” said Prometheus.

“Maybe we should start with the nature and the wild life.” Answered Pan to Prometheus.

“Yeah, that seems fine, let’s do it, and later we can create the humans and we’ll let them live their lives” said Prometheus

And they created the earth with big nature, wide animals, and humans all around the globe, and they let them live their lives by themselves only giving them one rule, not murdering each other’s, if someone did this, all the Gods will use their powers to destroy the earth, leaving nothing behind.

And with this the world was created, and the humans started making tribes and living their lives. One day, a Human named Juan was in a hunt mission and he needed to get a wolf to be able to return to his tribe. The time passed and he hadn’t found anything, but at the last moment, he saw a big old grey wolf and he was ready to kill him until the wolf sawed him and yelled “WAIT!”.

Juan was so shocked that he didn’t know how to act and what to do, and the only thing he thought on that moment was how the hell a wolf could talk. “You can Talk?” asked Juan to the wolf.

“Yeah, all animals can do it, but we don’t talk to humans because we think they’re a lame specie” answered the wolf.

“Well, thanks” said Juan

“I don’t think you’re lame, I think that you can make great things, that’s why I talked to you and told you to wait and don’t kill me” said the wolf.

“About that, I have to come to my tribe with food or they wouldn’t accept me back” said Juan


“Ah, don’t worry, tell them you can talk with the animals, and they would like be amazed” said the wolf.

“Thanks, I would do it, you´re a wise wolf” said Juan running back to his tribe.

When he got back to his tribe he told them what happened and what great ability he has, but nobody from the tribe believed him so they forgot what the Gods said to them, and  acting by the rage they murdered Juan, making the gods destroy the world. 

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