It´s On

It was just another day, passing by, the woman and his child in the swings. Their laughter was heard miles from there. The kids playing football in the field, and the dog seeking his owner yellow frisbee. Suddenly something was wrong with the dog; he started crying and acting crazy, as if something was scaring him. I didn’t pay attention to it, and I continued reading my Sunday news, waiting for Claire to come. Everything was perfect another summer afternoon were I could forget of all my weekly stress and just enjoy the view. It was kind of funny how the boys were playing as if there were on a true super bowl game, how the little girls were imitating their mothers imagining that they were in charge. I looked at the clock and it was six o´clock already and Claire had not arrived which was kind of weird because she was the most organized and punctual person ever. I started to think what could have happen to her, but I could focus thanks to the dog that could stop barking. I looked over to see what could be happening and suddenly, my fear, the dog’s premonition was true, everything turned dark. The happiness of the entire park leaved with the light. And to the distance, the hearing of horses surrounded me. I could believe what I was seeing so I rub my eyes wishing that this was some kind of twisted dream, but after doing it everything was the same. I looked at the horses and realized that their where no ordinary ones, there was something weird about their neigh, something dark and evil. I started to get chills and tried to man up, but I could; fear was getting to my nerves and seeing everybody running and screaming did not help. Mothers were protecting their child’s. Even the dogs were losing their minds and trying to escape. The kids in the field were crying and running everywhere not knowing what to do. That’s the last thing I remember, dark knights taking over everything. Suddenly I woke up, and I knew it had to be just another nightmare. But this didn’t look as my home at all. All I saw was kind of a white room, which had no end. I saw people crying and screaming in an agonizing way, all of them in desperation and torment, somehow I couldn´t hear their sorrows. Everything here felt nice, still, like nothing was happening, like there is some kind of peace. I couldn´t understand where I was all I knew is that I kind of liked it here. At the moment I turned around just to see the place, I spotted gramps at the distance. Not thinking about anything I just ran to him, hugged him, as he told me that “Now everything is fine, you don’t have to worry now I´m with you now”. I loved being with him but I knew something was wrong. I started thinking and it was at this moment I realized, gramps has been dead for over a decade

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