Phone's usual

Shaky snap of single digits,

lined up tightly in the inner-body?s tense,

stretched as an extension of the left hand,

raining on the buttons of the advanced tele-dant;

while the right is on the direction

of self satisfaction and

denial of the female?s section.

Although, the body, that said "hello"

is just a gesture of his imagination;

projected splutter of tasteless, dented,

weirdly banded? rules, if such exist?

The blurry bagging and seldom crying,

are rolling often with the rolling dimes.

How high is the price for pleasure?

But, boy, when river comes,

his worthless nest and mind that?s numb

are back in charge, and "Thank you, ma?am!",

in her extend- "I love you babe, my name is Angel."

are said in large.

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