A Vagabond's tale / I wasn't born to..

A Vagabond's tale

I wasn't born to hate
that was taught to me
by others just because
I didn't fit in to their little world
I did not wear the right clothes,
like the same shows
They'er the ones that pushed me
I wasn't born to fight
that I taught myself after feeling
so weak an helpless, my world
spinning out of control
after a man left me face down
in the dirt like a broken toy
disappearing into the night after
having his demented way
I wasn't born not to trust
that just seemed to come natural
as each day I grew older
each lesson learned from a cold
world was a lesson I learned well
I was born to love or at least I think
I was
looking back it seems there was a clock ticking
away at a impending doom
each time I tried to share what little
of love I knew it ended in a disaster
each time my heart was caught
in the collateral damaged left behind
I wasn't born a drifter
but I became a nomad forever moving on
in search of .....
of what I am no longer sure of
I silently pray each night that tomorrow
shall be the day I find what it is...
I'm searching for and the knowledge to know it
when I do

~ DD ~

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