If this makes me crazy

My trashcan poetry

To me she has always been an enigma,
one minute completely insensitive
then in the next moved to tears.
one moment she loves me or so she say's
the next she wants to plant a hatchet in my head
I acknowledge that I am not the easiest person to live with
but my love has always been true
It had never crossed my mind to leave her, an for this
my friend's insinuate I maybe certifiably mentally deranged, demented
or insane.
Why I question should I be the one to cast the stone
for I myself am a walking contradiction of terms
an even though she packed up her belongings in search of what some
would call greener pastures
I have no hatefulness towards her
our love was comparable to two different chemical compounds
in which left apart were good an useful ,but mixed together they became toxic
to each other
I can not hate her anymore than I can hate the air that I breathe
I still love her
If this makes me crazy,then go ahead lock me up
an throw away the key

~ DD ~

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