Jimmy and Anne were the cutest couple,

When they were married on their wedding day,

No two couple had ever looked so good,

They got married fast with no delay.

As the years flew by, it is now three years later,

Anne had a child that was two years old,

Jimmy had lost his parents, and started drinking,

From all this consumption their house got sold.

One rainy night, Jimmy was very drunk,

You could hear him stumbling around,

"Come here you stupid woman!!!"

As he would stumble and fall to the ground.

Out side in the cold wet rain,

Anne and her baby hid under the porch,

"Christina, Come here to daddy!!!"

His deep drunken voice was scorched.

Christina started to squirm and cry,

"shh.. Hold still baby, daddy's just mad,

Don't worry honey, daddy will be fine."

"It's just that mommy has done something bad."

Footsteps thundered down the tired stairs,

A loud voice yelled across the land,

"Come here you old bag!" he screamed aloud,

But she was not willing to follow his command.

Without control, Christina screamed "Daddy!!",

As the tall shadow slowly turned around,

The flash light of fear shined into their eyes,

The man was so happy at the discovery he had found.

"There you are baby, say bye to mommy."

When the silent click of his gun rang,

With no bullets he cussed and screamed,

"You say bye mother fucker" and there was aloud bang.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one because, It is sad to know that this truely happends in the world. Why? Well there is no explanation, but if we could only see what we put each other through everyday then we would not have the problems that we have today. Be peaceful, and try to love on another.

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