A Random thought Caught within the web of my Mind

The world around me has slowed to a crawl, I know it is the cannabis and the pills but it has my mind trapped within its snare. No more pain, no more suffering. No more constant nagging, double doubting and second guessing my own thoughts, No longer do I care if what I think is considered "Strange", "weird", or even "disturbing".

So much time spent dwelling on things I had and have no power in changing. A wishful future that seems even more far fetched each time I revisit them within my mind. It's easy to quit, and many times I've wanted to give up but even with my face in the mud I struggle on, and up to my knees then to my feet. Always telling myself there is a silver lining within that dark cloud, or a bright light just over the hill. When all seems lost, or impossible; Hope becomes your mainstay, an anchor to what little sanity left in the heart of the desperate.

With so much negativity resonating from the very core of all the drama, we find that each day becomes a bit harder than the last and time becomes the enemy to a heart in misery. Opposites and attractions, The universe built on order and chaos, and searching for that equilibrium may lead you down the path to finding some form of enlightenment.

In the game of survival it no longer becomes a question of why; right or wrong but how, and will today be my last day to breath the air, touch those that touch your heart in a positive way...

I have lived long enough to know and to understand, that to live in misery and pain is to survive without purpose, To love and to cherish is to survive to live with a sense of belonging... Life is short and often ended before dreams are ever accomplished, To conquer the moment, the day is to seize your dream.....