Only At Night

You visit me in my dreams but to my dismay
The moment I wake you are gone for the day
Only when my eyes close can I caress your loving skin, hold you so tightly, guide you right in
While whispering sweet somethings that cause your mind to loose control
The only option is to feel my movements, to ease my suffering, to make me whole 
Warmth escapes as my fingers trace your chest, increasing your heart rate while putting thine mind to rest  
Listen to the rhythm in the directions I say

Let them hypnotize your lingering thoughts, Let them into your mind to play
Faster, deeper, left and then right, higher, further and on through the night 
Until both of us fall fast asleep, holding on tightly to the love that's so deep
Only to wake and remember once more, only in my mind, at night, will you have your chance to explore 

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