Ungratefulness to Gratefulness

Thank-you thank you thank-you, that's all i ever hear
their directions to strangers and happy faces near,
people smiling to their sweethearts,
and i just sit here.
Thank-you thank you thank-you,
that word goes on and on,
with declarations of gratitude i cringe from the hum,
it's despicable to me that the i am the ungrateful one.
a black sheep in clouds of puffy white,
a shadow on the sun,
the bitterness to your drink,
i am ungrateful, that is all i can say
and i want so bad to be grateful but this time i see no light.
Thank-you thank-you thank-you
please just go away,
the more i view the happiness the more i wish i was the same,
Thank-you thank-you thank-you,
that word is just too long so instead of saying "thank-you"
i'm going to move on.
Author's Notes/Comments: 

i'm not so thankful this years since many of the con's outwiegh the pro's and it just seems to go on and on anyways this isn't a therapy site so i hope you enjoyed it despite the buzz kill :P

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