You Are In The Past


You acted so carelessly and like a jerk to me.

I wish I would of kept walking and let you be.

For a few it was good.

Until you came to my neighborhood.

Things turned crazy and into a mess.

I felt scared of you yelling  and could never confess.

You never gave me apprasies or congratulated me.

In my opinion communication is the key.

We never talked about anything but sex.

We didn't even go reat a movie, such as something gay like T-Rex.I tried and tried to make things work out.

But you'd never let me express what I was thinking about.

When we were alone things were fine.

But when we were in public,you acted like you wasn't mine.

You acted like you were ashamed to be with me.

Maybe you thought I was too blind and didn't see.

I'm glad things are over between us and it didn't last.

Because thankfully, you are now in my past.

I guess you were something else that I preceived.

But now I know the real you, and I've really been deceived.

I'm glad I've ended this and we are done.

Now I can move on and have me some great fun.

I don't even want to consider you as a friend.

Goodbye for forever,I'm glad I saw the real you in the end!

You can put up a phony front for everyone to see.

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