Stress cooking


Strees Cooking


I’ve always liked to bake treats, especially pastries, but I’ve come to realize that when I cook the most is when I’m stressed out. The last couple of years I have used cooking as a stress reliever to clear my mind from any school assignment, big event, or even extracurricular activities that make me nervous.


My parents find my stress cooking quite funny, but they just never understand why I’m in the kitchen making brownies at 2:00 in the morning. Yes, this type of thing usually happens in the early hours of the morning because it’s when I’m most stressed out. I sometimes even use it as a break between my studies. I give myself about 15 minutes to do anything easy and fast that comes to my mind. The quickest dessert I can make would be brownies, it usually takes about 5 minutes, plus the baking time, but I don’t just bake brownies. I also like to make chocolate chip cookies, cheesecakes, or cupcakes even though they are a bit more time consuming.


Whenever I cook to clear my mind off other things, I don’t end up eating it, I’m usually not in the mood to eat whatever dessert I made, I simply do it for the pleasure of cooking. As you can imagine, with a hectic schedule filled with stress, the kitchen is filled with delicious sweets more often than not. When I first started to bake pastries, my sisters used would run in to the kitchen, probably as stressed as I was and consume any treat I had made that week. After too much sugar they would beg me not to cook unless I gave it away, ate it, or magically made it disappear. My parents showed us how important it was to balance the different food categories equally ever since we were little. But of course, they had to make exceptions for my cooking.

Now that they’ve gotten used to it, they just eat whatever they find the next day on the kitchen table. My family doesn’t ask anymore, they just assume I was up late doing homework or other assignments. My sisters now know that they have to exercise more often if they wish to eat whatever I made that week.


A lot of people find doing exercise a little stress reliving, or maybe even doing a certain hobby of theirs. Sure, I find these things helpful as well, but I find that cooking is one of the easiest things to do. This is because you have to think about several things at a time, which makes you get your mind off anything that might be stressing or troubling you.

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