

Beacons of indecision from what consequences are about

My mortal existence all seen in the blink of an eye

Dementia creeping towards the window of my mind

Open to the subhuman challenge of NORMALITY

Sado-Masochistic beings playing Mommy and Daddy

All the while practicing munchausen by proxy

Weakness in me, the loss of control

Binging and purging to the pranic feedings

Feedings from multi-necrotic veins

You lurk in the shadows .... waiting

Waiting to enter into the sweethaven of innocence

Awakening in me the darkness in the world

Removing the blinding cataracts of morality

Now seeing the perversions and sickness

The stench revolting as it putrifies the elements

Why did you come?

What demons and hellions are lying in the midst of your trail?

You have taken me into reality

Now I am forever destined to face black majic spells

Always lurking in the emptiness of darkness

All for the sake of... Consequences

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