Listen Up

Listen up now children.

Let me explain a thing or two.

I've always been cold to the touch.

My heart has long since been icy blue.

Did I fail to mention that I'm selfish to?

Personally I find nothing wrong with that.

There was just too little tit for my tat.

Yes darlings,

I know I've long since been dead inside.

No matter how pretty I paint my corpse,

the rot still shines on through.

Concealer just doesn't seem to help anymore.

It just draws more negative attention to my rotten core.

Now maggots and decay I am to be-friend.

The "Ice Bitch" has been reborn again.

Remember people don't change honey.

Now matter how hard I've tried,

happiness can't be bought with money.

My heart is now an igloo.

Translucent walls of crystal blue.

I'll give you a head-start.

It's best of you not to take notice of me.

I've been in a Medusa state of mind lately.

Glance at me and you'll turn straight to stone.

Once again my emotion has departed.

Don't become my next casualty.

I'm a Black-Widow.

I'm the Reaper's Sickle.

I'm the Praying-Mantis.

I'm a Succubus.

I may be pretty to look at but I'm also deadly.

I think it best if you'd all just keep your distance.

Listen up,

don't get caught up with a ghost like me.

I appear when I want to.

Then rely on my invisibility.

I hide my thoughts and mislead you.

Call it a mental hopscotch,

on my belt you're just another notch.

Forget "Snow White" I'm "Charcoal Black".

I lay here stagnant yet combustible inside.

Whatever you do  don't light a match.

I have no problem taking you down with me.

Death doesn't hurt as much after the first time.

Through smoke and mirrors I know see.

Don't you dare try to walk over me.

"I'm a land-mine Babe!"

I'm just yearning to explode.

I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I'm the cloak and dagger.

I'm the Mummy's Curse.

Please don't disturb me.

I'm a devil in disguise.

I'm a chameleon.

I'm even Long-John-Silver.

I cast out the line and reel them in.

Just like that, I toss them back out again.

Yes,I admit I'm a bitch.

Listen I already know.

I thought it was rather obvious.

Yet they're always the last ones to know.

I'd apologize but what difference would that make?

I'm quite aware I'll be paying in the end.

Just be happy to know,

that you'll all get your long-awaited justice.

Whether it be the electric chair.

Position me in front of a firing squad.

How about the lethal injection?

How many calories would that be?

Hang me high from a tree with a noose.

Why how "Salem" of you to do so.

All the hurt I've inflicted on my former lovers,

has already boomeranged back at me.

So what else could you say on the matter possibly?

I've repented from this idea called love.

I just don't understand the concept anymore.

I'm the villain in this game.

Tied to train-tracks are my ex's slain.

Did I fail to mention that it's always my own fault?

No, forget what you heard.

Theres only one side to every story.

Theres also only one side to a coin.

It only takes one to tango.

I admit that I was wrong are you satisfied now?

You wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit you on the ass.

My mask is now unveiled and they are all taken a back.

Look at how ugly I truly am.

Are you all still morbidly interested in a creep like me?

Remember now curiosity killed that cat.

Stop and take account of how many lives you have left.

I have no one to blame but myself.

Bitterness has eaten away at my flesh.

I'm just another Leper reaching out.

Don't let me take hold of your hand.

I'm sick and mentally diseased.

This is not the time for an intermission.

Don't be a fool to my constant diversions.

They've all said I'm cold.

I finally believe them.

I'm a vampire I'll suck the life out of you.

I'll do it while wearing a smile too.

I'll go on and live forever whether it be in pain or pleasure.

I'll be alone until the end of time.

Forever sailing on Limbo's ghastly cruise line.

Listen up,

I've already taken up much of your time.

Don't try to pursue me in the near future.

I'll just hurt you that's all I'm good for.

I don't mean to that's just what I'm used to.

I hurt the ones I've loved the most.

I guess old habits do die hard.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Karma has declined my charge-card.

I pay for my sins by being drawn to useless idiots.

Whatever I am at the moment is purely for show.

I hide out in fear because that is all I know.

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