My Shadow (or Jungian Theory)

My shadow, my shadow

has giganimous thighs.

She's fat, dumb and ugly,

and she loves to tell lies.

She talks about people

behind their backs and

in their face

and leaves her

dirty socks all

over the place.

She's loud and obnoxious

and says the wrong things.

She eats dessert before breakfast

and wears white before spring.

She sits in chairs

with legs open

and sits in class

with eyes closed.

She scratches her ass

and digs in her nose.

And from all these nasty things

that she's turned out to be,

I still love my shadow,

'cause my shadow is me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ode to the lovely Shel Silverstein and the excrutiating Karl Jung. Written March 15, 2006

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