My Letter to You

This is my letter addressed to you

to everyone and anyone who knows me

or knew me once before.

I know I've changed and I still have a ways to go

but please listen to my ideas

instead of shaking your head.

I know you may not believe in the same things I do.

But I have my own reasons like you have yours.

Please listen to what I have to say.

Don't be so quick to judge.

I am still the little girl you knew

with pigtails and a big wide smile.

I am still the teen that you knew so well

who misbehaved and did everything wrong

who dyed her hair every color and pierced things on her own.

I am still the same girl who went to church every Sunday

and believed in the God Almighty.

I am always and forever changing and growing in this world

so whether you disagree with what I am doing

or disagree with where I'm going

please do not ignore me,

please do not disown me.

Accept the old and new me and

comfort me and guide me while I am on this rugged path

I need you more than you'll ever know.

(I value your opinion and take it into consideration)

for you are shaping who I will soon become.

Love Yours Forever Truly,


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