My Old *Obsession*


Last week I realized,

I needed to write a poem.

I've been too busy,

and it seems

"so long"

There are so many things,

in my life..

I do miss!!

Yet I have what I need,

(Thank God) for this.

I have been through DEPRESSION,

I have felt the PAIN!

I've watched people die,

as I wasted away!

Now I have my true love,

it has been a full year<3

I still have my friend,

"she is" still there!

I miss the little things,

the smiles of light.

I miss watching the stars,

on a peaceful night.

I miss old friends,

who were (once) a part of me.

It seems so far now,

like it was just a dream!

I can remember,

the flowers,

the sweet smell in the air.

I remember,

the valley,

eating lollipops there!

These visions remain,

they may never go away.

All I can do about it,

is keep living for today.

I took advantage of what I had,

and I went my own way!

Now as I walk ahead in life,

I realize these things went away!

How I wish I could rewind,

and erase every failure.

Unfortunatly I can't...

God knows I am sorry!

Some people come & go...

for a season,

for a reason,

some stay with you for a lifetime!

I except what God has given me...

"Believe me" this time!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

CRISTY, you are my lifetime friend!
JASON, you are my true luv, and u always will be<3
Thank you... to all who is true to me! ;)

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