~Life's Confusion~


Don't try to trick me to be you

I have my own identity, that's true

God, save me from depression,

please listen to my confession.

I'm sorry for the things I've done,

but I'm not sorry for the person I've become.

My mind spins with anxiety,

yet my spirit speaks silently.

I was shown yesterday to let things go,

everything will be fine if I take it all slow.

Time passes us by too fast,

that's all the more reason to make the moment last.

Each downfall that occurs will only make me stronger,

as I lie in my room, I wonder if I'll make it any longer.

I love being wise...

I hate having pride.

Selfishness disgusts me,

yet I still need my friends to keep me free.

Last week I felt my heart break again,

but it couldn't quite get to the bottom

because I had the strength to stand.

I saw my friend the other day,

although I only saw the colour grey.

I pray to God to bring her sunshine

to light her face.

I pray next time I see her she's in a better place.

As I sit with sweet spirits around me,

I feel like I'm the person I'm meant to be.

Even if I change my life for better or worse,

my blessings are too strong to receive any curse.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I dedicate this poem to my life right now, and to all the friends who saved my life. My friend who is sick was there for me when I needed help. Now it's my turn to be there for her.

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