Religion in a Corporately Owned Airplane.

In all fantasies, chains bind me,

while in reality these crowds of tongues are flapping, feeding on

my brains through textual representations of the

dollar$ that married words to the bleaching of a brain,

whitening us into thinking

literacy is freedom.


Sleep won't enter this closed room.
Only Death hovers behind my shoulder
feeding me lies and tira misu on open fingers of severed veins

of the defiant in their lost homelands of ivory, jewels, and uncultivated lands.


We are all breaking barriers.
Forgive my insanity and Christian values
in agnostic Soup for they are scattered
among the organic and all that which is chemically derived in
carginogens and pathogens feeding into
a carbon maze of forgotten pantheos.

Where the self-righteous are screaming of orgasms and pestilence.


I am dreaming of demons and their apocalypse in the new Jerusalem.

I want to know why marxism is called religion and angels are called devils?

In my concernings we can all fuck in orgasmic intervals of

biblical prophecies and Aquarian revolution.


We do not know the difference between apocalypse and economic machinations in the age of android engineering.

Zombies are still plowing their hybridized robots forward into

centers of trade whether through simulation or blood.

We will all die in this matrix of cognition and treason.


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