Leaving Southtown

I'm leaving this town

These streets that made me a man

Where I buried so many loved ones

Where I threw away my last shred of innocence

I see the parking lots where I sat for hours

wasting my un-precious time doing nothing at all

I see the liquor stores that out-number the restaraunts

in this small petty town

I see the abandoned B-Rite store where, as kids,

we were run off by the cops

I see the carwash where we'd sit with our bottles of liquor

for hours on end, talking about nothing

then again we talked about everything under the sun

I see Ponotoc Station, where we'd meet up for the night

and wait for the girls to start with the flirtin'

I see The Keg bar and grill where Big Philip and I

would sit for hours, ordering round after round

promising we'd leave after the next one...

but we'd stay all night if we could

I see the police station

where Mom would have to come pick us up

because we were out past city curfue

I drive down the Broadway strip, where we'd cruise for hours

swearing how we were ready to leave this town

this town that had nothing to offer for us kids

I see the "Whistling Pig Grill" where we'd go

after a night of hard drinking and raising hell

I see the train yard where we would sneak down to

and try our shot at tagging the trains without getting caught

And I see the football field where my blood sweat and tears

were spilt many a nights

And i remember the 2nd Bridge where I had my first shot

at the bottle, and where I was made a man

I remember promising myself and friends that I couldn't wait

Couldn't wait to leave this town....

And as I look back at the "South Fulton City Limits" sign

as I drive on

I see the faces of all those I'm leaving behind

The faces I would have never thought I'd leave

This town and I have fought many battles

and I swore my hatred to this community

But I swear now, that it will never leave my heart

and the words ring out

"You can take a boy from his hometown,

But you'll never take the hometown from the boy"

So with a bitter-sweet smirk on my face,

I'm leaving this town

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