Could It Be?

could it be? it seems definite,

i've been breached, and more

than just affected, if i were a book

how would it read? A tragic love story

of boy meets girl, not knowing how to be,

using words with full understanding

of what they could mean,

when all i know is how i feel,

to be near you is everything i could have hoped it would be,

this love, it comes and goes, back and forth with you,

but still, i can't imagine what it would be like

without you there, in my eyes, by my side, your lips to mine

something more of a disguise, as i can't be who i was,

that sad little boy, now come to life,

because of us, i dare to dream, and hope for things

my heart could never reach, without you, and oddly

enough, it takes the lack of you here,

to realize, that absence makes the heart grow,


i know it feels as if we've been

everywhere we could go, through thick and thin

but theres so much more, than crush and fate

it's the silence in between, the laughter

and the way we take each other for granted,

i just know i would die, if ever fortunes fade,

it's saying i love you, when i hate you,

or being able to cry

without trying to hide

my face, or making love, and making out,

i'm missing, what?!

all of the above, if you never knew i loved you This much,

well, now you do

because not a minute goes by

in the day, when youre not on my mind,

whether i'm head over heels completely,

or deeply at odds inside, insecure

believing what it is jealousy confides

whispers, i have only one answer as to why

because i love you, thats why.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this was written for someone who could never understand what it takes to exhibit such feelings, let alone express them. She was also seldom material for inspiration, save for random moments, far and few between. how wasted has my energy been...tireless.

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