the unsaid farewell

All Thats Left.

voice contains

your trademark,

and who i am when we speak,

do we, connect?,

herefore, i'm blessed.

a sound arches over the walls i've built

and comfort grounds me subtle,

i settle, not for less, at best

i want more than we could get,

give, or take.

open ended conversations, to bridge our gap

to arouse me, in places of depth,

to affect me, when i am at neglect.

the garden where life hangs, i drink from the hand of death

at my weakest moment, am i, her servant.

dreams attached to my heart, pull me apart

for i might never have that chance, to look back,

even though, they say, never do that,

i have my inborn weakness to respect.

i curl fingers around my wonder,

sand slips between, and lost words, never heard

are mourned for all i suffer.

leaning into me, a kiss from my lover,

burns sweetly upon my lips,

but never does she suspect, the complex pressure

i'm under.


she too, has fallen.

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