I watch them go.

                       I watch them glow.

                        Head, city does spread

                 I can see, they spread out so far below me.

                   Orange, red, green, blue.

                      Yes, looking at them is what to do.

                     As far as my eye can see.

                  Yes, looking at them is fun for me.

                    This city of lights so bright.

                   It lights the night.

                    No need to go to Vegas or Reno.

                   All the lights right here.

                   Navy Pier and the Ferris Wheel.


                     Michigan, Ohio, Grand,

          Unless, you've been here, you don't understand.

                    Rush, I love so much

                        Ohio, Ontario, make me go

                        Grant, believe it, deceive it, I cant

                     Rush, I love it so much

               The buildings.    

             short or tall, i love them all

                 fat or thin, they all win

                    Sears tower, has a lot of power

        Tower hancock John, on all night until the dawn.

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