
             I'M TIRED

         I'm tired of the rejection.

         I'm tired of the imperfections.

         I'm tired of it all.

         Without a date at the ball.

         I'm tired of trying.  I'm tired of crying.

           I'm tired of being the one that nobody wants to date.

           I'm tired of being the one that everybody seems to hate.

         I thought I found the end.  Finally, a girlfriend.

       A good start.  Happiness in my heart.

       After 15 years of tears, fifteens of fears.  Fifteen years of rain and pain.

        You see, it was not meant to be.

     She cheated.  Eventually, I was defeated.

     She lied.  I cried.

        She turned out to be a psycho.

            Away, she did go.  

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