
            I like toy soldiers.

            I have a lot of them.

            I have hundreds of them.

            I have thousands of them.

            Hundreds of thousands of them.

         I have things for them as well.

         I have tanks, planes, helicopters, carriers for

         the soldiers

         and more.

         I love building up my collection.

         I am very proud of my collection.

         I am.    

         My collection has taken a lot of time to build.

         My collection has taken a lot of money to build.

         I love spending time on my collection.

         I love spending money on my collection.

         I love building up my collection.

         I like to send them into battle.

         I send them into battle with other toy soldiers.

         They fight each other.

         There are other people.

         They have toy soldiers too.

         They have hundreds of thousands of toy soldiers too.

         I love watching my toy soldiers fight.

         I love it, I love it, I do.

         I like to just sit back and relax and watch.


         Sometimes, the battles take a long time.

         A very, very, very, long time.

         Sometimes, I win.

         Sometimes, the other people do.


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