
   I run up and down the hall, and it seems nobody cares.

   I look around.

   I run up and down the stairs.

   It seems like nobody cares; it is like being at

   a carnival or fair.

   To help me, nobody dares.

   I feel I am standing on a tall pile of chairs.


  Pinball, it's worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

     I made a mistake.

     I am very close to, but cannot have, chocolate cake.

     I'm a toy doll played with so much, I am about to break.

     I am on a high hill, or in a tree about to fall.

     I wish my life would be still.


    Pinball; it's worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

      I hope this trip is not a mistake or a fake.

      I am somebody that fate hates.

      A man that can never get a date.

      All these decisions I need to make.

      A person confronted with a wide, tall, brick wall.

      A truck driver on a long cross-country haul.

    Pinball; it's worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

      Yep, it is really a pain.

      It feels like a heavy rain.

      It really causes a big pain on the brain.

      It feels I have been run over by a heard og pig.

     Pinball; it's worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

      Scoring higher and higher.

     More exciting than a man on a wire.

      Faster than fire.

      Racing and chasing.

      or just in the hall pacing.


      Pinball; it's worsr than holiday shopping at the mall.

      In this game, what is the goal?

  The game will be over when?

     Around and around and around again;

   the inside of a bowl.

  I feel like I am going to fall in a hole.

  Lights blink; I can hardly think.

  It's worse than any game show hosted by the man, Wink.

  Music plays; the ball for long, never anywhere stays.


       Pinball; it's worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

       Pinball; it's worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

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