In PlaySpace, we have many ways for children to interact with their environment.  They may press a button, they may ring a doorbell.  They may open and close a door,.  A child pushes a button, opens and closes a door, and rings a doorbell for several reasons.  

1. He or she simply wants to see what will happen.

2. He or she likes the idea that pushing a button makes something happen.  

However, it depends on the age of the child, if he/she understands the cause and effect in the situation.  The cause-the button being pushing, the effect, something happening.  

3. There is also a sense of power and control.  There are a lot of things that happen in a child's life, that he or she does not have control of.  Pushing a button, and then getting a result is something a child has control of.  Thus, there is excitment and power in the pushing of a button.

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