
Some days I have a lot of fear and some I want to shed a tear.

Some days I want to hold my family and friends near.

Some days I think the rain will never end.

Some days I sit and wonder why.  

Some days I cry.

Some days I let it all go by.

Some days I think nobody cares, and some I hate the stares.

Some days I want to play.  Some days I want to run away.

Some days I think nobody is near, and some days I think nobody can hear.

  Some days I feel all alone and cold to the bone.

  Some days I walk in the rain, and some I get covered by snow.

  Some days are like the sun, and some I want to have fun.

  Some days I want to go fast, and some days I want to go slow.

  Some days I want to stay, and some I want to know.

  Some days I say yes, and some days I say no.

  Some days I don't know.

  Some days I want to stay in bed with a pain in my head.

  Some days I have a temp way in the red,


  Some days I want to go out and play and stay.

  Some days I want to fly and some I want to cry.

  Some days I sit and wonder why.

  Some days I want to die.

  Some days I hope it's all a dream.

  Some days I want to scream and some days I want to shout.  

  Some days I don't know what anything is about.


  Some days, a marathon I could run.

  Some days, I'm done before I've begun.



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