Radio dId say.
Home, I can say.
I heard the word see on the TV.  
So much fun see for me.
Yea.  Hurray.  Today's a snow day!!
Snows falling from the sky
Tears of joy are falling from my eyes.
Everything so white, it's really, really, a delight.
Yea.  Hurray.  Today's a snow day!!
I dont have to go to school today, no,
At home, I get to stay.  At home I can play
Fun, I hope its never done.
I can watch TV see, get joy from playing with my toys, play video games until I go insane.
Yea.  Hurray.  Today's a snow day!!
It's fun, until tomorrow.
There will be sun.
Snow day will be all done.
Thats not ok.
All done will be see the snow day.

Yea.  Hurray.  Today's a snow day!!

Yea.  Hurray.  Today's a snow day!!
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