Not Imperfect


I'm told so many times

That I'm not the imperfect person

That I am

I don't know how they see me

But I'm no Princess

I'm not polite and refined

I don't live in an Ivory Tower

I'm just one of the guys

Sure, I have a chest that they don't

But I punch and fight just as hard

And they know it.

I'm not an intellectual, studious schoolgirl

"My dog ate it," Is my favorite excuse

I'm not some runway beauty queen

In fact, I prefer pants to mini skirts

Chains to necklaces

Sweatshirts to tubetops

Mud to Makeup

I told you all

I'm not the perfect, little girl you think

I think you need your eyes checked.

I'm not imperfect, yet I'm not a Princess

I'm just me.

That's all I can ever hope to be.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just a tomboy mood I was in

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