more than forty






For all intents and purposes man is now the number of the beast.

Is the Poet yet aware? Did he knoe that men were killing men that wars were being fought again whilst he dared to dream even pen love he felt inside for them? Words so eloquently displayed for all the students of the English Language to critique and study how many poems does the English teacher use? in classrooms long abused by drug and alcoholic use the poetic foibles of a systematic killing of the individual pursuits. Completed in the Identification system is the number of the beast the system is the thing. The use of numbers to Identify the people is nothing new the Military in Ancient Worlds numbered troops on the Identification Chalk Boards the ICB were set up in the surrounding rocks so that the Trolls could change the numbers during the battle they had to be quick whitted adding and subtracting the smarter ones soon figured out to count the men's legs and divide by two. The Roman Government even instituted the Social Card but the elite only had them they used them to get in the better areas of the Roman bathes. The Poet Edgar Allen Poole was made most famous by his Raven died it seems after the Cival war was over. Poole, (-----), Mr. - PE 16 Nov 1889. Walter Whiteman was next One Time People Search Report for Walter Whiteman unfortunate this search wanted money to complete the search this Poets death remains uncertain.

Get full name and addresses for all displayed records. Perhaps he is still alive in Arizona and continuing his poems in another place and time. Pablo Naranjo Golborne / Pablo Golborne / Pablo Naranjo Nordau Neruda   Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), This poet was alive during the World Wars One and Two. In 1943, Neruda returned to Chile, and in 1945 he was elected senator of the Republic, also joining the Communist Party of Chile. Due to his protests against President González Videla's repressive policy against striking miners in 1947, he had to live underground in his own country for two years until he managed to leave in 1949. After living in different European countries he returned home in 1952. A great deal of what he published during that period bears the stamp of his political activities; one example is Las Uvas y el Viento (1954), which can be regarded as the diary of Neruda's exile. In Odas elementales (1954- 1959) his message is expanded into a more extensive description of the world, where the objects of the hymns - things, events and relations - are duly presented in alphabetic form. There is a disclaimer on the SSS card that says this is NOT for identification purposes please keep your card in a safe place and signed. Conflicting thoughts the police back home always asked me for mine when on the road they ran it like an ID the numbers was instant on the radio. The Students at this University take the Cat Card and swipe the strip into the slotted door it makes it seem to me just like the Mark of the beast has come perhaps early to some. Charles Robert Hice 429-04-1680. Deceased on May 13, 2004. Alive and living for the return of Heaven door. Jesus oph please come back before they institute the Mark on mee. To the purists of the poets no apology of me this is a fabel not a poem not a rhyme intended but a short short story just to past the thyme. My State Id Card has a PICTURE of me but no number at least not the Dreaded Social Security Number and it does have the DOB but not needed until called upon to produce it. Not yet on head forehand or forehead

or hand Most people will be proud to salute a nonexistent leader at the door to every supermarket in the world the name and number of the beast becomes the god.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

very dark (^^^) (666)

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