
Sunny day, blue sky, white clouds. There was she, hoping for someone to arrive. Lonely, and you can see in his eyes that necessity of love, affection and taking care of. She then closed her eyes and thought.

Why it should be like this? Why I am here? Probably I should give up, surrender and get into that darkness, that sweet and lovely darkness.
No, I must be patient and be strong, everything is difficult, also it can’t get harder than this, so I must persevere.

Still if I’m wrong, does exist someone that can love me? I’m no perfect, I’m ugly, skinny, my hair falls and there’s nobody that likes it, there’s nobody to me in this world.

However, if I stay, it will come the day and that day would be the greatest of all, if its arrival is near, I hope so, I hope so. One week that’s it, only one week if it’s arrival is nowhere near, I shall surrender.

When she opened her eyes, days and nights pass away. She continued to ask herself if it’s worth it and you can see hope and strength fade away. Until the last day, that day she arranged everything that needed to be put in order and started to prepare. She closes his eyes, until she hears a noise, making her to open her eyes and blinded by a bright light, she saw two shadows getting bigger and bigger.

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