The Cougar and the Rabbits

Long ago, some little rabbits were playing in a field making a lot of noise, but they were completely unaware that a cougar was sleeping near the field. But suddenly, a wild cat appeared into the scene and attacked the rabbits. At some point, the cougar, hearing a lot of noise, woke up and got really mad towards the rabbits and the wild cat. So he went on and saw that a little rabbit was being attacked by a wild cat. The cougar seeing that they were just kids and that the rabbits were crying and terrified decided to attack the wild cat and help the injured rabbit. The wild cat ran away, but before he did this he swore to the cougar that he will get his revenge and that he was going to eat the rabbits. The cougar was surprised for the moment and kind of scared.
The rabbits were extremely grateful with the cougar and decided to serve the cougar when needed. So the rabbits went to their burrow to tell the rabbits what happened. The cougar felt so happy and heroic that he completely forgot what happened to the wild cat. The grown rabbits were so glad that they have founded a friend that they decided to give a present to the cougar for saving the little ones. The rabbits began to collect food in a basket so they could give it to the cougar. But suddenly, the oldest rabbit in the burrow took the word. He wasn’t really convinced that the cougar was their friend and that he was nice.
He said, “Male and female rabbits, this cougar is trying to confuse all of you. His intentions are not good I swear that he is trying to kill us all. Eventually he is going to eat us all. Please leave the food here and don’t go.” But nobody listen to him and they took their way to see the cougar. “You’ll all see”, finally said the oldest rabbit.
After a while, the rabbits appeared where the cougar, who was surprised to see the rabbits too soon. The rabbits gave the food to the cougar that ate it very quickly. The cougar told the rabbits that he was going to take a nap and invited the rabbits to take it with him. The rabbits accepted.
While they were all sleeping, the cougar felt hungry again and since there was no food left, he decided to eat the rabbits. So he launched his attack to two little rabbits who screamed loudly, waking up the other rabbits. So all the rabbits began to run, but the cougar attacked the most rabbits he could. The cougar ate almost all of the rabbits. Only a few made their way back to the burrow.
When the few rabbits left enter the burrow the old rabbit was there waiting for them. And so it was, like the old rabbit said. The cougar killed them all.

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