
If I weren't so busy being mad at myself, maybe I would see the rising sun as a personal message from God saying, is a different day, a new day. This can be a chance for you to break away from the darkness and be different, be strong enough to take a step towards changing things that are in your power to change. To be able to embrace who you are when you are in the light. Maybe God could see me better there. Maybe he could help me find my way beyond my dilapidated worth. I might not BE the light,..can never be,...but maybe I won't have to be the shadow anymore either. Could I possibly get to a place where I could become something that casts a shadow?....being always tied to the past,...but the shadow only visible because the light we now live in is so much brighter than where we were before. The contrast being drastically evident because we are now at the opposite end of the spectrum,...looking over our shoulder for only a second, just to remind ourselves we don't have to go fully appreciate that we are in a new place, capable and worthy of anything in time, we let go of those core beliefs that kept us shackled to despair, by one. Some day,..we emerge.....key in hand......ready to help to free others from the same hell.