Paper-Doll World

No one will listen to what I have to say,

It's so hard to get a word in edge-ways,

And no one will look at me the same,

I think I'm quite disgusted in what you've become though,

The one I used to love,

You're dead to me.

Dead, pre-madonna puppets,

Tied to the sticks of poor upbringing and

The hands of humanity and media that hold them,

Pretending their lives have completely gone to shit,

Well I guess they've never really known my life then,

My 'life' is gone, and I've nothing to lose,

I hate myself so much at times and everyone around me,

So it goes to show

Just how much I truly must never give in to

what they've become.

I'm living the perfectly worst life on earth

In the perfect,

paper-doll world.

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