He Has It All

There's something in him that I see,

That reminds me of every part of me.

"I'm not a very nice person,"

He says as he awaits for me to open up and tell him that I think he is...

But I don't.

The confidence that I lack,

In the loving and the caring,

He has double; and so when I'm with him,

He breathes some of that confidence into my lungs.

It's like the kiss of life.

It is the kiss of life.

His hands look rough,

Yet they are soft to touch and soon,

I'm mirroring them and learning to love.

Am I as strong or as cold as I feel?

Am I being punished for my past,

In that I cannot give my love?

I want to.

He can have it all.

He has it all... <3

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Him" <33

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