
I hate how life goes, I should have known

That you'd love her, leave me,


Why I ever thought you'd love me,

I, myself, will never know

Drowning in my tears of sorrow

I try not to let it show.

I know it's not her fault you love her,

But I can't hide my hate for her right now,

I've lived in her shadow for as long as I remember,

Alone, unloved, yet surviving, somehow.

When she told me that you still loved her,

I thought I'd die right there and then,

The happiness in her voice,

A knife...

Cutting through my soul, my skin.

I didn't realise how much I loved you,

The pain I felt was strong, disabling.

All I could see was the smile on her face,

The anger, ripping, tearing, nauseating.

I know I won't stop loving you,


No matter how hard I try,

I don't know if I'll ever really

forgive her,

I always feel a hate for her inside.

Sitting here now, I don't know how to feel -

Sadness, hatred, despair.

I'm not sure

Why does this always happen to me?

This is a pain that no one deserves.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written from experience. I was feeling so insecure because he mentioned her name and I felt as though I was living in her shadow.

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