
Dearest  , my love,

I wait for the day we sit together on your front porch swing while you whisper sweet nothings into my ear.  I dream of that day to come only sometime soon, but I know that I need to wake up from this dream.  If ever I have had feelings of such love and such sweet devotion it is now.  When I start to care for someone they always seem to be thousands of miles away from me.  I have never cared for someone so much that I was afraid to go to sleep at night yet that’s how I feel for you.

You are like everything to me yet so much more, I don’t think its possible for you to know just how much I care.  I never knew you could feel so much for someone when you barely knew.  You know that the world will give us one million reasons why we should not be together but all we need is one good reason why we should.  I believe my reason is that I love you and I think that is reason enough.    Nothing can come in the way of us or so it seems.  When I go home at night from school right away I log onto the computer to see if you are logged on or I try and call you.  I live to see if you are around.  You are the one true honest reason that I wake up in the morning.  

Before you I was contemplating suicide, I wanted a way out but then you made me realize that there is one special person worth living for, and you are that person for me.  I have had millions of dreams of us and they all end in the same way.  Us being together, is that a sign?  If it is I believe we need to take our chance right now.  My love, my everything  I believe we need to live life to the fullest potential and I think in order for me to do that I need you in my life.  I need you to be my guide and my protector.  

I wake up knowing that somewhere in the day I get the chance to talk to you and be happy in a few moments.  My day sucks everyday until I talk to you on the phone, computer, or better yet in person.  I love seeing you around.  You are the most charming, outspoken girl I have met in my whole entire life.  

Baby, I love you so damn much and I’m hurting with you not with me all the time.  During the summer I plan on being with you the whole time, that was up until you said you were going to work for the carnival.  

I don’t want you to leave.  I want you to stay with me and have fun.  Without you I cant have fun.  Its like totally impossible. I will let you go now.  Love ya lots.

Love Always,

P.s.  without you my life would be incomplete.

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