why do I worry

Why do I think of you when the news comes on?

Is it cause im scard of you?

Why when someone mentions a gang or a weapon I think of you?

Is it cause im scard for you?

Why when I think of the Horrible things that Happen in this world

I think about you?

Is it because i know that you can stop this madness with some help from me.

Why did I think of you when the news came on last night?

Why did I think about you when me and my freinds talk about  gangs and weapons.

Why did I think about you when I thought about the horriable things in this world?

So right now I ask myself what does it take to be who I am and to tell you that what you are doing is rong?

So that me and your freinds can tell you that we are scard and we want to help you so please stop.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

its like what it says its in your mind if you want it could mean that some 1 died and she was scard for her life or it could mean that she wants to tell some to stop doing what there doing.

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