Silent Dawn

Sunlight creeps in through the gaps in the window blinds, covering the room in alternating strips of brilliant radiance and undefined shadow.  It bares resemblance to this life.  Fulgent memories of pain and suffering, with unremarkable and colorless events in between.  The darkness in me aching to be a part of the light, but only brushing against the edges, never fully illuminated.  I peel the covers off  the awkward assemblage of limbs that constitute my pale and undernourished body.  The sheets stick to my sweat drenched frame as my psyche attempts to mend the freshly opened wounds of last night's tormented slumber.  I struggle to catch my breath after coughing violently; my body trying to rid itself of the sludge deposited from a constant chain of cigarettes.  I pluck a fresh one from the pack on the bedside table and light it, eagerly inhaling it's toxic sweetness deeply.  A cloud of smoke slithers from my mouth, satisfied with a successful assault on the delicate tissues inside my lungs.  I tell myself that perhaps today will be different from what I have become accustomed to.    An enticing thought that vacates my mind as quickly as manifested.  The reality of the situation being that the day will follow the protocol of its predecessors.  Endless hours of mental self-flagellation accompanied by an overwhelming sense of desperation.  I stare at the length of shoelaces that are tied together and hang over the top of the closet door.  One end tied to the handle on the inside, the other end terminating in a loop with a slipknot on the outside.  That dirty seductress calling out to me, I'm eager to familiarize myself with her murderous embrace.  I'm vaulted from the daydream by the sound of my phone ringing.  The intrusive reminder of life's expectations.  I silence the ringer and let my mind return to wander in the depths of madness.

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