The shadow of the giant

With limited capacity

We yearn for something other

Than the shadow of all we cannot be

And plainly can we see the light

A sun of truth burns brightly but is out of sight

We never reach it

For the shadow follows quickly

Oppressing 'till we end the fight

Leeching faith and reason equally

A parasitic predator obtaining what it wishes

Which is everything we wish to be

Hang you heads

O huddled masses

For all do wish to breathe

And all continue choking

Despite the total of our destinies

Unity has never been the end of all our goals

When all who see above

Only reach the canopy of thought

To be always swallowed by the flood

Although the sky is there

We try to claim we never see it

To accept our fates as chosen

We worship gods of our ideas

Until we drift among the ocean of the lost

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