Means To Me

My Poems

A cold winters night, so cold without you,

What on earth is a man to do?

Wind blowing a shiver right through me,

The warmth of your love continues to be!

Heat in my life that will never fade,

Shining so bright like a lovely jade!

Your laugh so precious allowing me to smile,

My heart reaching for you past every mile!

The time is near it lightens my heart,

I pray to th Lord to help me do my part!

Keeping you happy with every touch and every kiss,

It's you that I crave and miss!

My heart burning for your first touch,

To me would mean so very much!

More then words more then life is to be,

My Precious angel, my Boo Bear, this is what living with you means to me!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love you Carrie so very much!!!! These are just merely words that can't even come close to the way I feel for and love you!!!!

Love Always,


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