Love That's The Most

My Poems

A wolf in the moonlight howling for his mate,

Wondering what's got her attention, what makes her wait?

A howl to her with each moment that passed,

his love growing more without even being asked!

Softly and tenderly she slowly creeps near,

Their life together coming that which they hold dear.

Love and devotion making them grow strong,

Nothing in this world could make them go wrong!

He calls to her and she calls for him back,

Like a frieght train speeding down a long and striaght track!

Carrie, the she wolf, and Darren the he,

Catherine the wolf pup a great family to be!

So much love and compassion devoted and true,

To be all together, the only thing left for them to do!

The time is coming, the moment is near,

They all scream and shout "I love you, dear!"

The wind is blowing, drawing them close,

They are a family with love that's the most!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written For: Catherine Fox & Carrie Cox( I love you both very much, I promise to get all 3 of us together very quickly!)
Written By: Paqtism( DGBD )
Finished On: Sept. 20, 2006

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