Keeps Me Alive

My Poems

To love you is to have the world in my hand,

But now is the time to make my stand!

To lose you I lose my happiness and everything,

The pain and agony that it will bring!

Torturing myself and daughter with fear,

In hopes you bring you cure for us here!

It's your love we crave for and our hearts truely seeks,

All around the world and to the highest moutain peaks!

Your beauty and grace capturing us with each passing day,

You in our lives is where we need you to stay!

No money, nor worldly possessions, is our care,

It's the joy from Heaven, you bring, that we both need to share!

A pretty little girl, and a stupid aging man,

Will do anything to have you with us, anything we can!

Lonely, scarey, drepressing nights pass without a word from you,

Please, Carrie my love, tell us what to do!

The love, the happiness, the good times and bad,

Being without you is so very sad!

I beg and plead for your love from the moment we met,

Your hand in marriage is the last to get!

I yearn for the day, that nothing is between us,

That I get to hold you tightly, and see little fuss!

Stupid thoughts try to ruin us, but together we do survive,

For my heart you truely have, and your strength keeps me alive!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For My wife: Carrie Cox
Love Always: Darren Daigle
Written On: Aug 8th, 2006

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