
driving blind, uncertainty clouds the windshield,
crash into a wall: concrete, that you are not a 
part of

unconscious, lie down on the hospital bed,
veins filled with morphine, 
and it only stings at first:
soon though you will need it to quench your thirst

the hearse never arrives,
the wedding is canceled:
the ring I heard was dropped into a sewer
However, the rats should find it from their all their dives into the sludge,

this junk keeps me here,
in a limbo of doubt;
the nurses aren't to be trusted,
they deal it for cheap,
and I hold out my hand
with the currency.

being fear,
and I'm quite wealthy in it,
wealthy enough to afford
a slow death and my stocks
pay their dividends in this

This contract, they made me
sign; sign away my life,
to the drug that kills inside,
like a lethal injection.

Gamble was my name,
roll the dice even if odds
don't look nice, and pay
the price with your life

the devil went down to Georgia,
to haunt the red clay hills,
and I was his chosen one,
for some odd reason,

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